Prerequisites for Application Project
Design & PAT
Create your own Design:
Code-Wizard supports Star UML Design File or a UML (Unified Modeling Language) Design .mdj file as an input to Code-Wizard to start with.
You can upload your own design in .mdj format
You can also build your design with our AI <COMING SOON FEATURE>
Below is a step-by-step guide to create a model file in Star UML:
Step 1: Install Star UML
Visit the Star UML website and download the suitable version for your Operating System. Install the Star UML.
Step 2: Create a new Project
Click on File- New Project or start with a blank project.
Step 3: Add elements to diagram
From the left hand side under toolbox, drag and drop 'class'.
Click on the class and you will see an Editor box on right hand side, you can rename the class, stereotype like enumtype, complextype etc.
For simple or entitytype class, no need to select any stereotype of class.
Attributes and methods can also be added by right-clicking, click on Add and then click on Attribute or Operation.
Click on the added attribute, go to the editor box in right hand side, rename the attribute and write in the type as Int, String, Double, Date, Long, Boolean etc.
Create one of the attribute as Id by checking the isId option shown in the editor box.(Mandatory)
If you have used any class as enumtype or complextype and want to use that in another entity type/simple class, select type of attribute as enumtype classname.
To define relationship in two classes, we need to add Association from the left hand side menu under toolbox.
Select the association and write the name from editor box and select end2.multiplicity like 1, 1..*, and so on.
Guidelines for creating design StarUML file
Give a name to the UML Model which is created.
Class name should start with a Capital letter in the beginning.
Class names should not have spaces.
Class names should not have underscore.
Attributes should be in small letters only.
If the first letter is in upper case, let the platform change it to camel case
Declare data type
Should check/tick “isId” for key property of the class
Associations should be drawn in every UML Model.
Name should start with “capital letter”.
Name should be a “Noun”, not an operation / action. However, exceptions apply.
Data Types Supported
Int: Integers, whole numbers without a decimal point. Example:
Float: Floating point numbers, numbers that include a decimal point. Example:
Decimal: Decimal numbers, more precise than floats, often used for financial calculations. Example:
String: A sequence of characters, used to represent text. Example:
"Hello, World!"
List(String): A list or array of strings, used to store multiple text values. Example:
["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
Boolean: A binary value representing true or false. Example:
Long: Long integers, used for larger whole numbers. Example:
DateTimeOffset: Represents date and time with an offset from UTC, used to store exact date and time values including time zone information. Example:
Date: Represents only the date without time. Example:
Associations Supported
One-to-One: An association where one instance of a class is associated with one instance of another class. This type of association is used when each instance of a class can have only one counterpart in the associated class. Example: A
can be associated with onePetCareCenter
One-to-Many: An association where one instance of a class is associated with multiple instances of another class. This type of association is used when each instance of a class can be related to multiple counterparts in the associated class. Example: A
can have multiplePet
Git hub Personal Access Token (PAT)
In your Code-Wizard account, Go to Setting - Add account
here you can paste the Personal Access Token(PAT) which you can copy from your Github a/c -> Settings->Developer Settings -> Github PAT -> generate one if you don't have any existing token.
Last updated